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(visita por marcação ás diferentes fábricas e showrooms disponíveis)


(visit by appointment to the different factories and showrooms available)


* a todos valores apresentados são preço de tabela pelo que acresce IVA á taxa em vigor 23% , ou relativa ao país


   * all values ​​are below the price adds VAT at the rate in effect 23%, Portugal or relating to the country.

Candeeiros / Lamps

Sofas Cadeiras Poltronas / Sofas Chairs Armachais

Aparadores / Sideboards

Tapetes e Acessorios / Rugs and Acessories

Mesas de Jantar e de apoio / Dinning Table and Side Table

Escritório / Office


"Artistas da Casa" / Fine arts

Edição Limidata / Limited Edition



You could use this shopping Carto to buy, or just to take a previous budget.

Not every pieces have price yet, and we have so much more then at site online.

Contact us TEORIABSTRATA@GMAIL.COM and receive a free budget .


Rooms, Kitchens, Pavements, Revtments.... and much more.


all prices are ruled by different brands and they could change, there is no difference in price between buying at Sinha galeria or at any brand represented by it, the same applies to professional level. 

Sinha galeria is an Client Relations/Comercial Independent that instead of represent one and only Brand represent a Group of Them.


Good Shopping!! 




pay attention:
Teoriabstrata Arquitetura Unip. Lda


(if there is any problem with connection to Paypal contact, or +351912557480 )



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